It's been a long time since I've posted here and worked on my website. Not that I've been idle, because I haven't, it's just that both this blog and the site needed to take a back seat for a while.
That should be changing soon. I now have digital versions of many of my paintings, so once I've cropped them and add watermarks, they should be ready to go online. Some will also find new life as new, digital pieces. There's also a new Bio Book cover for the ICSC to be posted, and a logo I'm working on for someone. (That will have to wait until he's ready to put it on his own site first.) The site in general could stand to be re-formatted as there are more works to post, and what's up now needs to be watermarked.
This is all assuming that the rest of my life stays on the track it's currently taking. I'm not anticipating turn-about, but then I never do. There are other projects that need my time and attention, but my work, this blog, and my site have taken a back-burner for many months now and it's time that changes.
One possible change that's looming is if I get accepted into the Art History M.A. program I've applied to. (I've been saying "if" not "when" because while I know I'm qualified, I just don't want to take this for granted.) But any changes going back to school will bring won't happen until January. Of course there are preparations I'll need to make beforehand, like in finally filing away my things from my M.S., brushing up my language skills, and generally organizing the apartment, but some of that has to happen anyway, and I don't have to dive into all that until the summer is over. So there is time for me to work on my website.
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