Friday, August 20, 2010

The News From Artful

There have been a lot of changes to Artful Ambiguity in Second Life. We have our own sim now, complete with market, rental homes, castle, tavern, beaches and gardens. I'm planning an underwater dance area for under-sea events as well. If the homes continue to be vacant I may turn that area into a garden dance area, but that remains to be seen. It would have been nice to have the Awesomeville sim as well, but I think giving that up was a smart move; I can always open a new sim at another time. I need to concentrate on what I already have rather than start on a new project.

Besides, I do have real world issues to cope with these days which are more important. Second Life is a great place, but you can't live there. It's virtual, even though the friendships formed may be real as well as the emotions those relationships bring up. I can't let a virtual world dictate the real one, especially as I originally entered SL as a place to learn and play. So here is to the boundaries. Enjoying SL and helping to build it and cultivate my corner of it, but to keep it there when I log out for the night.

It's a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


Traduceri legalizate said...

Nice blog. I hope you will post again soon

John Kim said...

I find it strange that there is a whole virtual society where you can sell virtual things with real money.