Friday, February 23, 2007

The Website

The new website is up and can be found here. I'm not going to post the URL except in link form, at least not now, because it is cumbersome and difficult to remember. Hopefully I'll be able to change it, but as the site is currently a work-in-progress at the moment anyway, I'm going to leave it as-is for the time being.

It's a pretty good start. Not quite the way I'd like it, but it IS a free site that came with my new ISP, so I'm really not complaining. That's also why I'm not stressing about the URL. Eventually I'll get proper hosting and then I'll have something better. Anyway, all I need to do now is get my paintings, prints, and drawings scanned and a page set up for them and I'll be good to go. I also need to remember screenshots of my other websites and other logos I've made. I'm currently planning the logistics of this, but it's all academic until I get the scans. Ideally I want to put them into a photo album of some kind, but I'll see what's available to me in the stite-builder toolkit.

I'm actually a bit excited about this. People have been after me for years to put my work online and now that I've got a good internet connections I can actually do it. What would be great is if this can lead to clients. Eventually I'd also like to customize this blog a bit more, but that can wait. It takes me a bit to get started, but once I do I stick to it. This is also a lot of fun, so hopefully I can make some extra money from it.

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